Waleska Interview

Waleska Graffiti

Interview By: Matthew Johnson

How did you originally get involved with graffiti?

Waleska: My older brother Tinho was one of the first graffiti writers in Sao Paulo in the mid 80’s, so growing up around him it was only natural to be involved in the scene knowing all his friends at the time.

You have lived in Argentina, Japan, England, and Brasil; all countries with strong graffiti roots. Which country, other than Brasil , has influenced your art the most?

Waleska: It would have to be living in England. The U.K graffiti scene is quite different to the Brazilian scene and style of painting. I had to learn to paint quick!

Waleska Graffiti

You have a son, now (congratulations!!). How are you able to manage both motherhood and graffiti?

Waleska: It’s a very hard challenge. But it’s worth it, both to be a good mum and to keep on painting at the same time.

Has being a mother changed the way you create art? Are you more insightful?

Waleska: Yes! especially because I had a boy. I had always painted quite feminine, girly paintings, now having a son I decided to paint something he would like to see one day.

Waleska Graffiti

Your brother is a famous writer, you’re a writer, and your husband is an artist. Art seems to be something that plays a huge role in your life. Do you have any aspirations for your son to carry on the tradition?

Waleska: I hope he can grow up around art and like it. But as a Taurus he will choose what he will want to be, as long as he does something that he is happy doing in life, then I’m happy :)

Waleska Graffiti

Your husband [Adam Neate] is a street artist. How did you two first meet? Do the two of you write/paint together?

Waleska: We met in Brixton skate park. I was sitting doing a wildstyle sketch in my book and he was a local skating the park, we started chatting and have been together ever since.
We paint a lot of walls together and some canvases together.

Waleska Graffiti Cans Festival

Recently you began painting on canvas. What inspired that avenue of art? What are the advantages to working on canvas when compared to traditional street art?

Waleska: I asked my husband what he wanted for his birthday and he handed me a blank canvas and said to return it to him painted. I loved the new found surface and have never stopped painting it since.
The advantages of the canvas is in that I can take more time painting it, so the work will take on a different feel.

Waleska Graffiti Prague

How competitive is the graffiti scene in the UK?

Waleska: I dunno, for me graffiti means to have fun. If it ever stops being fun, then I will stop.

You have a project called ” Spreading the Love and positive energies to the World”. How did that come about? When did it start? What do you hope the project will accomplish?

Waleska: The project started in 2004, at the time there seemed to be allot of gloomy stories on the news and the past events over the last few years. I wanted to paint something positive, and as I was already doing graffiti I thought why not start painting some positive messages to people who saw the wall and try and give a little bit of happiness out to the World.

Waleska Graffiti

Word Association : I’ll give you a word and you give me the first thought that comes to mind.

- Graffiti : FUN
- Sao Paulo : BUSY
- London : COLD
- Kenzo : LOVE
- Walesk : HAPPY
- Music : DANCE
- Family : SECURITY

How much longer do you see yourself writing?
Waleska: Until all my life :)

When you finally stop writing, what sort of legacy do you hope to leave behind?
Waleska: I would want my children to remember me as a good mother.

Waleska Graffiti

Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? 15 years?

Waleska: by a beach or a Casino in Las Vegas, I see my self having fun with my family.

Any final comments. Where can people see your worK?
Waleska: Thank you to everyone who has supported me over the years, especially my family. I have a new solo show towards the end of 2009.
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One Comment

  • eatatflos May 21, 2010, 10:29 pm

    ur very inspiring

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