Ensoe Paints Jurne’s Sketch

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

ensoe jurne graffiti

As part of the Exchange Project Ensoe painted a sketch created by Jurne. This is what Ensoe has to say about Jurne’s sketch:

“Manage to finish up the outline Jurne drew for me..Had a lot of fun with it. Went to the wall confused on what to do with it? 3d? no 3d? bright colours? white outline? and then all of a sudden it turned into something else. I see Jurne’s style as a very classical American style, so maybe that’s where my stars and stripes theme came from..hope you like it man!”

ensoe sketch by jurne

One Comment

  • ns February 4, 2010, 5:28 am

    Hmm… Not so much classical american style imo, more oldschool european, Bandoish style.

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